Wednesday, 17 December 2008

How Did I Get Here, How Did I Fall ?

Let me back track just a little bit ...... In a way I was right, the heavens did conspire against me.

When my company announced that they were making redundancies I got worried, my mind instantly focused on both not being made redundant and being redundant.

Can they, would they?
No I work to hard for them, I am much needed and respected.........or am I?

It consumed me from the very first thought and with every worry came another negative thought and another.

I even mentally prepared for the eventuality of being let go by reading self help books in preparation for being back on the "market", so to speak.

Now if you believe as I now do, that if you put out negativity you will get it back, you reap what you sew, or you are what you think, then I was going no matter what I did.

Even though in some ways I expected it, I was still very much in denial that it would actually happen to me which is why when it did I was devastated.

All I could do was to try and rationalize it in my head over and over again just as I did when it was announced...

So what has changed?

How have I got to this position of positivity when at the moment I am still technically job less!

All that I can say is that it was not any one immediate thing apart from a shift in the way I have started to look and think about things.

When you feel as emotional as I felt about loosing my job, you have to address that emotion.

Now not everybody is emotional about these things.

Some people are quite logical about it, but they can still feel desperate when faced with the inevitable loss of ones job and lively-hood and being faced with the prospect of finding employment in a depressed economy.

Logical minds try to order things, they go through a process of tying up the loose ends, revamping the CV applying for jobs. They pull on the interview suit and go knocking on company doors.All of which is good when done with a positive mindset and not with an air of desperation.

But it is in the waiting period that people tend to get lost, bottling up all of their worries,feelings and emotions.
All usually negative.

So whats is the answer?
Well they say that it is good to talk and it is true no matter what is on your mind it helps to get it out in the open and to hear what you think.

Thinking is good, infact it is better than good it is powerfull.
But it is important to remember that we create in our thoughts so when we dwell on things we are actually putting power to those thoughts, which if they are negative will serve to compound our situation and only return disastrous results.

However the same rule works when we think positively!
Remember thought is powerfull,in fact everything ever invented or achieved started with a singular thought.

So think positive!